Promoting & Supporting The Third Sector

Across South Scotland, charities, volunteer groups and community clubs are changing lives and expanding horizons. These third sector groups play a hugely important role in our society, delivering support and advice to those in need, encouraging people to live healthy active lives and making our communities better places to live.

I’m determined to highlight the great work these organisations are doing during my time as an MSP. I regularly visit third sector groups throughout the region and promote their work in parliament and local media.

I’m always happy to receive suggestions of groups within South Scotland (particularly the Clydesdale, Kilmarnock & Irvine Valley and Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley constituencies) that deserve recognition or who would like me to visit.


MSP visits Goalkeeping Academy

South Scotland MSP and former Olympic athlete Brian Whittle joined members of Auchinleck Talbot Goalkeeping Academy for a recent training session.

MSP visits River Garden Auchincruive

South Scotland MSP Brian Whittle has paid a visit to River Garden Auchincruive to see the first-hand how the innovative project is taking shape. Inspired by similar organisations in Italy, Sweden and the US, the River Garden is a residential training and social enterprise development centre offerin

Powerchair footballers receive sponsorship backing from MSP

Local MSP Brian Whittle is spearheading a campaign to find new sponsors for Ayrshire’s only powerchair football team, the South Ayrshire Tigers. Established in 2015 by South Ayrshire Council & South Ayrshire Access to Sport, the club has grown to have 12 full time members, the youngest of whom

Local politicians encourage employers to see ability not disability.

South Scotland MSP Brian Whittle was joined by his colleague from the Lothian Region, Jeremy Balfour and Ayrshire MP Bill Grant, for a conference at Prestwick Airport. The event, organised by the Department of Work and Pensions, to promote their “disability confident” scheme and the local, Ayrshire

MSP backs campaign to improve support for Cerebral Palsy sufferers

Raising awareness of Cerebral Palsy at the Scottish Parliament Charity Bobath Scotland pressing for improvements in the provision of support to people living with Cerebral Palsy. MSP Brian Whittle met with staff from Bobath Scotland this week to discuss recent legislation that now entitles people